Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Lesson 1 - General Knowledge

Before going to far into the multiple concepts of first aid, lets start of with the basic. What IS first aid? What protects us as first aiders? Why should we learn first aid? Where can we use it?

What is First Aid?
- First Aid is emergency help given to an injured or suddenly ill person using readily available materials. It can be simple, like removing a sliver from a child's finger and putting on a bandage, or it can be complicated, like giving care to many casualties in a motor vehicle collision and handing the over to medical help.

The objectives of first aid remain the same, regardless of the situation:

- Preserve Life
- Prevent the illness or injury from becoming worse
- Promote Recovery

Who is a first aider?
- A first aider is someone who takes charge of an emergency scene and gives first aid. First aiders don't diagnose or treat injuries or illnesses (except perhaps when that are very minor) - this is what medical doctors do. A first aider suspects injuries and illnesses and gives first aid.

The injured or ill person is called a casualty. [NOT a victim].

What protects us as first aiders?
- The principles of the Good Samaritan protect you, as a first aider. You are a Good Samaritan if you help a person when you have no legal duty to do so. AS a Good Samaritan, you give help without being paid, and you give it good faith (meaning you are helping because you care about the person, and not for some other reason). But whenever you assist a person in an emergency situation you should abide by the following principles:

Consent - Identify yourself as a first aider and get permission to help the injured or ill person before you touch them.

"Hi, my name is John, I am a first aider. Could I help you?"

- If the casualty is a youth under the age of 18 with a life threatening condition with no parent accompanying them, or the casualty is unconscious, consent is implied.

Reasonable skill and care - act according to the level of knowledge and skill you have.

Negligence - use common sense and make sure your actions are in the casualties best interests.

Abandonment - never abandon a casualty in your care. Stay with them until you hand them over to medical help, you hand them over to another first aider, or they no longer want your help. This is usually because the problem is no longer an emergency and further care is not needed.

Why should we learn first aid?
- There is no direct reason for why you should learn first aid. But first aid is a valuable set of skills that will improve your ability to aid someone effectively in an emergency situation. First aid will come in useful through the course of your lives; be it cadets, work, play, or a casual encounter as so often happens.

Where can we use first aid?
- The knowledge set acquired from this course, and ultimately team will provide you with the training and expertise that you'll find useful in everyday life. From saving a life, to treating a cut: the possibilities of scenarios are endless, the most important thing is to implement first aid correctly.

A well trained team will have effective communication of real time actions, amongst a high knowledge of the skill, fluent implementation, and a powerful leader/captain. We will discuss the traits of a well trained team in greater detail in the coming lessons. For now watch the following link, and note of factors you find important in the first aid given and overall detail: Bondi Beach Rescue.

Source: St. John Ambulance - Student Reference Guide

1 comment:

  1. i enjoy reading about how to save someones life
